Beach Haven Crest Real Estate Third Quarter Sales in 2015
Beach Haven Crest Real Estate Third Quarter Sales in 2015Long Beach Island New Jersey Real Estate
The third quarter real estate market of 2015 in Beach Haven Crest was comparatively similar to the third quarter of 2014, with a total of two single-family homes being sold. The striking distance between 2014 and 2015 was the price point. As compared to 2014, 2015 showed a substantially higher price point and a different style of home being purchased. The trends we see in Beach Haven Crest real estate third quarter sales in 2015 reflect those we see elsewhere in the Long Beach Island New Jersey real estate market.
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Beach Haven Crest Real Estate Third Quarter Sales in 2015
Sales of single-family homes in Beach Haven Crest real estate market were as follows:
- There were two single-family homes sold in Beach Haven Crest
- The least expensive home to sell was 107 Hobart Ave. which was a 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath home
- The most expensive of the two homes to sell was 107 W. Lavenia Ave. which was a five bedroom four bathroom bayfront home
It is interesting to point out that homes sold were relatively new, and had the modern amenities that many buyers are looking for in today’s market. Averaging these two sales, the price per square foot was $415.17, and average time on the market was only 85 days. This is a lower than average amount of days on the market than we usually see in the LBI real estate market.
Beach Haven Crest and the LBI New Jersey Real Estate Market
The trends we see in the Beach Haven Crest real estate market reflect those we see elsewhere on Long Beach Island. While there were no teardown purchases, which is a trend we see in many markets, the style of homes sold reflects what buyers are looking for. Generally speaking, buyers want newer and more updated properties, which usually sell swiftly and closer to their list price. This was certainly the case in Beach Haven Crest, and is certainly a trend we see elsewhere in the LBI real estate market. For more information about Beach Haven Crest real estate third quarter sales in 2015 or the LBI real estate market in general, contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions you have.
By : Nathan Colmer | The Van Dyk Group
Cell: 609-290-4293 | Office: 800-222-0131 |
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