Understanding CAFRA Waterfront Development on Long Beach Island
CAFRA is a government agency charged with overseeing development of waterfront areas. CAFRA, along with the local township, will determine what can be built on a property that boarders water, beaches or wetlands. When looking to buy or sell any waterfront property in the LBI real estate market, it is important to understand CAFRA guidelines and how they can impact the value of a home on Long Beach Island.
LBI Real Estate CAFRA Waterfront Development
CAFRA deals with the following on Long Beach Island:
- Any structure built in a tidal flow waterway anywhere in New Jersey will require both CAFRA permits and tidelands instruments
- This includes docks, piers, pilings, boat lifts, bulkheads, etc
- Permits are also required outside the CAFRA zone however all of Long Beach Island falls within the CAFRA zone
- There are exemptions for the repair or replacement of an existing dock, bulkhead, etc. provided the replacement is the same location and size.
Understanding LBI Real Estate CAFRA Waterfront Development is essential prior to buying or selling any waterfront property on Long Beach Island. Many older oceanfront and bayfront homes are sold as tear downs or with the possibility of expansion. Therefore, it is important to understand what value to place on the ability, or lack thereof, to expand. When building on the oceanfront, CAFRA is almost always required however exceptions do apply such as the permit by rule. When looking at a bayfront or a lagoon front property in the LBI real estate market, understanding what can be done with docks and bulkheads can add or detract a great deal of money in the transaction. When looking at buying a bayfront property, it is also important to understand Riparian grants and leases as they will be the instrument that allows for the construction of the dock. Riparian grants and leases are essentially ownership rights into the bay. The absence of a Riparian will prohibit the construction of a dock. Riparian grants and leases will also outline the size of the dock that may be built. LBI Real Estate CAFRA Waterfront Development is a very important subject. It is important to have the right team of advisers to help you understand the rules and regulations associated with waterfront development on Long Beach Island as well as the value associated with it. For more information about LBI Real Estate CAFRA Waterfront Development, feel free to contact me, Nathan Colmer, and I will be happy to answer any questions you have!
By : Nathan Colmer | The Van Dyk Group
Cell: 609-290-4293 | Office: 800-222-0131 | ncolmer@vandykgroup.com
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