Long Beach Island Real Estate Weekly Sales Update LBI Real Estate Weekly Sales 5/24/2020-5/31/2020 Long Beach Island Real Estate LBI Real Estate Weekly Sales Update 5/24/2020-5/31/2020: There were 93 changes to the LBI NJ real estate market this week. Once again, we have seen a notable increase in market activity. After several consecutive weeks of READ MORE
Month: May 2020
LBI Real Estate, COVID-19, and Technology
Long Beach Island Real Estate Click here to search all homes for sale in the Long Beach Island NJ real estate market Long Beach Island Real Estate We are indeed living in unprecedented times. Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has changed how we all live our lives and conduct business. The LBI real estate market is no READ MORE
Why This May Be A Good Time To Sell in the LBI Real Estate Market
Selling a Home on Long Beach Island New Jersey Click here to search all homes for sale in the Long Beach Island NJ real estate market Long Beach Island Real Estate It seems you cannot turn on the news today without hearing about coronavirus or COVID-19. This unfortunate pandemic has impacted the entire planet individually, READ MORE
Advantages of Pre-Owned Homes in the LBI Real Estate Market
Pros and Cons of Buying a Newer (but not new) Home in the Long Beach Island NJ Real Estate Market Click here to search all homes for sale in the Long Beach Island NJ real estate market Long Beach Island Real Estate Since Hurricane Sandy at the end of October 2012, new construction has dominated READ MORE
LBI Real Estate Weekly Sales Update 5/17/2020-5/24/2020
Long Beach Island Real Estate Weekly Sales Update LBI Real Estate Weekly Sales 5/17/2020-5/24/2020 Long Beach Island Real Estate LBI Real Estate Weekly Sales Update 5/17/2020-5/24/2020: With 82 changes to the market this week, things have picked up a great deal. What is most interesting is that 27 of the 82 changes were pending sales. READ MORE
Selling LBI Real Estate Virtually
Selling Long Beach Island Real Estate During Coronavirus Click here to search all homes for sale in the Long Beach Island NJ real estate market Long Beach Island Real Estate While many aspects of our lives have been altered by coronavirus or COVID-19, people are still buying a selling homes. Therefore, agents and sellers in READ MORE
Five Tips When Selecting an LBI Listing Agent
Five Long Beach Island Real Estate Listing Agent Interview Suggestions Click here to search all homes for sale in the Long Beach Island NJ real estate market Selling Long Beach Island Real Estate Selling a home in the LBI real estate market is a significant financial transaction. With the average price of a home in READ MORE
LBI Real Estate Weekly Sales Update 4/27/2020-5/3/2020
Long Beach Island Real Estate Weekly Sales Update LBI Real Estate Weekly Sales 4/27/2020-5/3/2020 Click here to search all homes for sale in the Long Beach Island NJ real estate market Long Beach Island Real Estate LBI Real Estate Weekly Sales Update 4/27/2020-5/3/2020: There were a total 74 changes to the Long Beach Island real READ MORE