Encroachment in the Long Beach Island Real Estate Market
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Long Beach Island Real Estate
Encroachment in the Long Beach Island real estate market refers to when a structure overlaps a property. The structure can be any one of many things, including a house, garage, shed, fence, planter bed, etc. Encrocmentments can have short-term and long-term impacts on an owner, so understanding LBI real estate encroachment is necessary for buying or selling a home on Long Beach Island.
By : Nathan Colmer | The Van Dyk Group
Cell: 609-290-4293 | Office: 800-222-0131 | ncolmer@vandykgroup.com
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LBI Real Estate Encroachment
One of the chief long-term concerns with any encroachment is adverse possession. This occurs when there is a continued and conspicuous use of someone’s property that they can claim the property as their own after a period of time. An LBI real estate encroachment sets the stage for this to occur. Therefore, any encroachment should either be corrected or acknowledged to avoid this from happening. A simple survey can uncover any encroachment and help the parties rectify the situation. When a survey is conducted, the property lines will be established, and all buildings will be shown on the document. This includes the home itself, any out-buildings (for example, a garage, outdoor shower, shed, etc.), planting beds, and fences. If any of these structures are over the property line, it will be shown on the survey document. If it is uncovered that a structure is causing an encroachment, steps can be taken to either correct the encroachment or acknowledge that it is not adverse possession.
Encroachment in the Long Beach Island Real Estate Market
Buying or selling a home in the LBI real estate market is a significant investment, and all parties should make sure that what they are buying or selling is not encumbered by any encroachments. An encroachment on Long Beach Island is often visually apparent since the property boundaries are visible, so checking on encroachments is an early step in the buying or selling process. If you have any questions about buying, selling or investing in the LBI real estate market, please do not hesitate to contact me.
By : Nathan Colmer |LBI Real Estate Agent | The Van Dyk Group
Cell: 609-290-4293 | Office: 800-222-0131 | ncolmer@vandykgroup.com
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